I know I don’t post here often. I forgot about this blog for awhile. I’m also not particularly exciting. That being said, something interesting and rather touching, albeit funny, did occur recently.

My daughter has been on another Sesame Street kick lately and during one episode, “Smarty” (Elmo’s smart phone) said that some kids have two dads and it showed a picture of a same sex couple and their children. It was the simplest thing that made me tear up. My daughter smiled and said, “That’s nice, but I want two moms. I’m excited for that day.” No pressure, right?

I’m so happy my daughter accepts me, but I’m not entirely sure I can find someone on a romantic level. Every time I find someone and they stop talking to me after I start getting feelings for them. This last time really hurt and I’m sick of it. I’m not entirely sure I can open myself up like that again anyway. I’m perfectly fine spending the rest of my life alone. I’m comfortable with that.

I just hope my daughter is ok with that.


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